Delta Dental Cavity Prevention Clinics Provide Free Dental Care to Oklahoma City Public School Students | Health

Delta Dental Cavity Prevention Clinics Provide Free Dental Care to Oklahoma City Public School Students | Health

Oklahoma City – Delta Dental of Oklahoma (DDOK) and its Foundation, the state’s leading contributors to dental health…

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Prediabetes and cardiovascular risk factors: the effectiveness of a guided self-determination counselling approach in primary health care, a randomized controlled trial | BMC Public Health

Prediabetes and cardiovascular risk factors: the effectiveness of a guided self-determination counselling approach in primary health care, a randomized controlled trial | BMC Public Health

Recruitment of participants Participants were selected from a pool of 220 participants who had previously taken…

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Healthy ageing and oral health: priority, policy and public health

Healthy ageing and oral health: priority, policy and public health

Decade of healthy ageing: baseline report. Geneva: World Health Organization; (2020). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.…

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Public health struggling to find dentists for Ontario Seniors Dental Care Plan

Public health struggling to find dentists for Ontario Seniors Dental Care Plan

GUELPH – While Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) is ramping up its dental programs post-pandemic, it is…

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